Sunday, November 28, 2004

What is Art?

Art is Beautiful
Art is Ageless
Art is Priceless
Art is Nature
Art is the Human Attempt to Imitate Nature
Art is an Arrangement
An Arrangement of individual parts to form a more beautiful union.
A more beautiful Whole.
Individual ugly parts creating a more beautiful whole
Therefore Art is Beauty itself.
And just like Matter - Beauty cannot be created,
just discovered and manipulated.
Those attempting to create Great Art will fail and will be banished
Those attempting to discover Beauty will succeed in creating Art
Not all the time . . . but at least once
And they will be remembered and celebrated
What is more beautiful?
a Picasso
a Miro
a Lichtenstein
a Moran
a Bierstadt
a Cole
a Pollock
a Rembrandt
a van Eyck
a Morandi
a Renoir
a Marden
a Rothko
a Mattise
a Cezanne
a Titian
a da Vinci
a Slavicek
a Carnwath
or a Martin
Who created The Art and who created just Paintings?
Is it a mind bender!
Is it impossible to evaluate and analyze the Great Ones
Or the Not so Great Ones of Art
Or is it a simple matter to decide?
Can we, are we qualified to decide

Let me know what you think

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send me your comments and opinions by
e-mail to
People, do me a favor, read carefully the caption a blogger put under his picture on his blog:

"Age 70, retired and trying to live on the pittance that the government provides for retirees".

What's wrong with this statement? Anyone?

Go to and learn more about the thinking of liberals.

My First ATC Posted by Hello