Sunday, November 28, 2004

People, do me a favor, read carefully the caption a blogger put under his picture on his blog:

"Age 70, retired and trying to live on the pittance that the government provides for retirees".

What's wrong with this statement? Anyone?

Go to and learn more about the thinking of liberals.

1 comment:

George said...

John, thank you for your comments. I don't wish to abolish anything. I just merely wanted to know why you think that others should pay for your retirement. That's all. Social Security was always meant as a safety net and not the only retirement income. You were supposed to save 10% of your income and invest it wisely so you do not need to live on the pittance the goverment provides. I don't understand why today's Democrats always accuse others of being the enemy of the people. Why do you Democrats think that we the non-Democrats are fascists, Nazis and who knows what else?