Saturday, May 08, 2010

Note about Chess

I don't know whether you noticed in my Profile that Chess is in the second place right after art. Believe it or not, Yours Truly is playing chess! Serious chess. I go to several OTB (Over The Board) chess tournaments every year and although I won couple hundred dollars here and there I'm not good in OTB. So, years ago I started in Correspondence Chess, also known as Postal Chess. Low and behold Yours Truly started to do well. In correspondence chess I seem to avoid the blunders I usually make in OTB chess.

This year I entered the 2010 Colorado Correspondence Chess Championship and I was the second seed. Hopefully, I will make it into the finals. The reason I'm telling you all of this is to bring the correspondence chess to your attention. It is not a well known activity. Some people like to play chess but either they think they are no good or they do not have an opportunity to play competitive OTB chess. Correspondence chess is ideal for getting your feet wet and it can be played anywhere.

Thought you ought to know.


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