Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Project 365 Days 65, 66, and 67

March 6, 2010, March 7, 2010, March 8, 2010

These ATCs are for the AFA On the Map Swap. They are marker and real used stamp on map collage. ATCs depict life in the United States of Zizkov in the 1930's under Prohibition. Chicago style gangs led by Al Kapoun were running S.S. Zizkov (S.S. is an abbreviation for United States in Czech) making and running sodas and other soft drinks and operating soda dens after Zizkov seceded from The City (as Prague was known). As you may have guessed this was a reverse Prohibition.

N.B Zizkov is part of Prague, Capital of Czech Republic. ATCs are based on a satirical book about Zizkov from late 1930's.

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