Thursday, June 11, 2009

Trip to Europe

I just came back from our annual trip to Prague. I learned few interesting facts on this trip. First of all, THE BEER OVER THERE IS STILL THE BEST! According to United Nations statistics the Czechs drink 165 litres of beer a year per person, kids and old people included. Accounting for kids 14 years and younger, senior citizens over 70, women and non-drinkers it means that most beer drinking people drink just about 500 litres a year or 1 1/2 litre a day (5 of our 12 oz. beers). The distant second are the Irish then nothing and only then the Germans. And that brings us to the international politics. Just about everyone in Europe loves Obama. It is easy for them to love him since they don't have to live with the immediate consequencies of his actions and decisions. They love him because they believe he will finally subdue America and bring her down to their level. Nobody likes a winner over there but they love losers. They are totally jealous of America and by creating the European Union and with Obama's help they think they will finally win over America. They can't wait to strip America of her leadership role in the world and her living standard. Maybe in their dreams. Even with Obama's help they can only hope for the impossible. By te way, statistics are telling us that the country with highest standard of living in the world is Luxembourg. Have you ever been in Luxembourg? You did not miss much. The country is nice, granted, and the Archduke has nice digs. But if Luxembourg is the Shangri-La why is there a line in front of the gates of America? There is no line at the Luxembourg's border. I know - I was there. Surprise!!

There is so much bickering in Europe that they can never hope to be a serious competition for America. With the damage over the past 40 years or so perpetrated by the socialist governments over there they should strive to put their house in order first. The recently proposed Lisbon Treaty proposes to strip the EU members of their sovereignty and subject all members to the rule of the European parliament in Brussels. The treaty is being pushed by the beaurocrats in Brussels, Germany and France (very not surprising). Plain people everywhere are finally waking up and it looks like the treaty will be rejected. When Slovakia recently changed their currency to euro their economy went down by about 4% and prices went up about 10%. People are incensed. Austria banned trucks on weekends and Czech Republic followed suit. Scandinavia is obsessed with making their people equal in all respects by high taxation and controlled wages so that their people won't need to keep up with the Jones's. In addition, their model free health care system denies access to medical treatment to those who need it. That's one sure way to lower the cost of the health care. And the English keep on drinking their tea acting like the slow disappearance of England as wwe know it at the hands of immigrants from the colonies is none of their business. On top of everything else Europe is dying because the birth rates in all countries are well below the self-sustaining rate of 2.11. They will be taken over by the muslims by peaceful means in about 50 years and they don't even know it or don't want to admit it. When I tried to intelligently discuss this point most people said it does not affect them because by that time they will be dead. And there you have it!


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