Sunday, April 07, 2013


Once again we are witnessing a liberal feeding frenzy to remove freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution from the citizens of the United States of America. The liberals stooped so low as to use two recent mass murder incidents at the hands of psychopat criminals to legislate gun control. This issue is being seriously debated in public but it is mostly being shoved down our throats just like ObamaCare was.

It would be amusing if it was not very serious that absent from the public debate is the debate on the constitutionality of any gun control. I'd like to know where is the authorization under which government can legislate gun control. The Second Amendment could not be more clear. In part it say".......the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". Conscise and very clear. Just to be on the safe side I looked up the word "infringe" in the latest edition of Webster Dictionary and read the definition "impair, violate, trespass" were the major meanings. In view of the indisputable meaning of the Second Amendment I have few questions: Why do I need a permit for concealed gun, Why is it that I cannot own an assault weapon, Why is it that I cannot own a magazine with more than 10 rounds, and most importantly Where does the government get the right to legislate any gun control?

I have a piece of advise for those wishing to usurp our rights, maybe even a revelation: If you do not want the people to keep and bear arms work on changing the Constitution! Eureka! I bet you that this is furthest from the liberals' minds. Why do it the hard way if it can be done by unconstitutional legistaltion?

It is a well known and proven fact that gun control legislation does not work. Look at Chicago and Mexico. It is not the law abiding citizens who commit those hyenous crimes with their guns. It is always the criminals or psychopats. These shady characters could care less about our laws. If they decide to murder they will find a weapon be it a gun, knife or hammer to do their dastardly deeds.

And I'd like to know one more thing: If the safety of the people is on the legislators' minds uppermost why aren't knives and hammers outlawed. These weapons killed many more people than guns. And what about medical malpractice causing death of patients?

I do not necessarily like guns and I do not own any guns but we have the freedom to own them. Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. All I see is that our government is trampling on the Constitution and our rights and is conveniently and totally disregarding it. That is not a Republic but a Dictatorship!


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